Is your dog frightened of fireworks, flashing lights, and loud noises? Keep reading this article to get instant help.
New Year’s Eve is just around the corner. For us, such events and memorable days could be fun because of fireworks and parades but for dogs, these fireworks or other loud noises can be a nightmare.
As a dog parent, you may have seen your furbaby’s reaction closely during the fireworks and flashing lights. Also, if you live near the airport runway, the loud noises of the aircraft may scare and trigger your dog.
How would you calm it down? You’ll find the 11 best ways to calm down your dog below.
Many gentle and responsible dog owners drive their dogs out from cities, far away from the fireworks, mostly to the countryside. It is a wise idea though but not everyone can do so.
To write this article, we have checked several forums and coordinated with people on social media to collect some handy ways to take care of your dogs during the fireworks or thunderstorms. And we are grateful to everyone who shared their experience with us.
Apart from all these tips, expose your dog to different situations and sounds during its first months, and it will be familiar with most of them. If not trained properly and reacting to all such sounds and situations, the below-mentioned tips are for you.
So, without further ado, let’s find the best ways to comfort your dogs during the fireworks. And not only fireworks, but you can also use these tips to calm them during lightning, gunfires, and other loud noises.
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How to Calm Down Your Dog During the Fireworks
Exercise them during the day:
Well, it may look weird, but it’s true. Exercise them as much as you can (not intensive exercise) during the day when the fireworks are expected in the night or the weather forecast has predicted a thunderstorm. A tired dog is more likely to sleep like a log and will not give you a tough time during the fireworks.
Playing with them in your backyard is also a good idea. If possible, take them swimming if you are in hot areas which is the most tiring exercise for them, and don’t forget to thank us later.
Give them enough food and water before the fireworks:
Your dog may not be able to eat its regular meal during the fireworks so let it eat its meal and drink as much water as it can before the fireworks start.
Also, during the fireworks, the anxious dog may drool & pant heavily, which results in dehydration, so, a fresh bowl of water should be available for them to take when needed.
Use a ThunderShirt:
A ThunderShirt is a dog anxiety wrap that is a wearable solution for dogs. It comforts them during the fireworks, as well as, they can be used to reduce travel anxiety, lightning, fireworks, separation anxiety, and other loud noises. The ThunderShirts can easily be found in your local pet stores or online stores.
Distract your pup with a game:
Try to engage your dog in some activity such as tug of war or any puzzle treat that will let them ignore the fireworks. Also, you can fill a KONG toy with peanut butter or any of your dog’s favorite food items which is a good idea to spend a couple of hours during the fireworks. If possible, freeze the treats to increase the time of their distraction.
Let them hide in the safest place:

Sometimes, they hide in their crate, under the bed, in the bathtub, or the most silent place in the house. In either case, don’t chase them or stop them from doing so. Just keep a check on them.
Keep the doors of these places open so your dog can make it to that place without any hurdles. Also, keep a piece of your worn clothes inside the crate so your dog will feel safe and secure.
Keep the windows and curtains closed:
The flashing lights of fireworks can easily trigger your dog so keep the windows closed and curtains down to avoid exposure.
Stay with your furbaby:
Yes, your dog will feel more secure and calm in your presence. So, stay in its sight and be playful and cheerful as usual. Cuddle him, pet him, and do what makes him happy and calm. Also, stay ignorant of all the loud noises and don’t react to any of such noises.
Act normal around your puppy:
Don’t act like there is something unusual happening and pretend there are no fireworks. If your dog is around you, try to comfort him by cuddling or petting him.
Set up some extra hiding places:
Apart from their crate and other places in the home, set up some small and dark places for them to hide when they are scared of the fireworks. But keep them supervised while they hide in such places.
Play white noise or calming music:
Sounds weird? It isn’t weird at all. You can turn on the TV, and play calming music, or white noise which works exceptionally well. You can find a plethora of audio and videos on streaming sites such as YouTube and Vimeo.
Don’t go outside:
The best practice during the fireworks is; don’t go outside with your dogs, not even on your lawn or the backyard because they may try to escape, especially if you don’t have an invisible fence installed. Still, if it’s necessary such as nature’s call, try to go back inside as soon as possible after they have done with it. And yes, don’t forget to use the leash when you go outside for even just a second.
Final words:
So, these were the 11 best ways to comfort your dogs during the fireworks, lightning, and other loud noises. Whatever tip you use to comfort your pups, make sure you are with them during this tough time. Your presence will make things much easy.
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