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questions about dogs

Top 5 Question Related to Dogs & Their Answers

Dogs are amazing! There are certain similarities between humans and dogs. And then there are some significant differences between both of them.

Due to such differences, all the dog parents out there may face new challenges every day. Many dog parents complain that their dogs occasionally eat grass while some complained about their dog’s weird behaviors.

There are hundreds of such questions and you’ll find the answers to all such questions at The Dogs Journal. So, this post contains the answer to 5 such questions and more to be answered in coming posts.

So, without further ado, let’s proceed to the first question and find out its answer.

Why does my dog eat grass?

Well, usually a dog eats grass due to 4 reasons.

  1. To induce vomiting – While roaming here and there, sometimes your dogs may eat something that makes them very uncomfortable or upset stomach. So, they try to throw up by eating grass. If they do this frequently for a long time, you should see your vet.
  2. Boredom – You may expect anything and everything from a bored dog and eating grass is one of them. So, in such a case, try to engage your pup in some enrichment and brain stimulation activities.
  3. Nutritional deficiency – Your fur baby may not be getting enough nutrients from her regular food, hence, he may end up eating grass. In such a case, see your vet and ask them what diet is best for your dog according to its age and breed.
  4. He loves eating grass or loves its taste – Yes, believe it or not, your dog may love eating grass occasionally. So, if your dog eats grass and looks fine to you, you shouldn’t be much worried but it’s good to discuss it with your vet.

Why does my dog chase its tail?

Does your dog chase its tail and spin like a tornado? If yes, and if it does it rarely, that should not be a problem but if he does it frequently and more than often, you must get your dog checked.

There are several reasons a dog chases its tail. Let’s have a look at the most common reasons.

  • Sometimes the dogs think that it’s fun and entertaining for their owner so they try to please you. If this is the case, try to ignore it when he chases its tail so he won’t consider it as fun.
  • Younger puppies usually chase their tails because of their ignorance and this habit goes away with time.
  • There are several medical and behavioral conditions and disorders due to which the dogs may chase their tails such as separation anxiety, boredom, skin allergies, fleas, and several others.

My dog has consumed poison, what should I do?

We have 2 different scenarios here.

Scenario Number 1: You have seen your dog eating a toxic item.  In this case, call the local animal poison control authority and discuss it with them. After some questions, they’ll ask you to do the following.

  • Induce vomiting with the help of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide.
  • Check out the symptoms.
  • Bring your dog to the poison control center or the vet.

Scenario Number 2: You suspect that your dog has eaten a toxic item but you don’t exactly know what he has eaten. In such a case, the first aid steps are the same but try to take your dog to the animal control center as soon as possible to avoid any disaster.

Important note: Don’t waste your time on Social Media asking others in an emergency. If it’s late-night, try to contact the emergency vet clinic. Make sure you already have a first aid kit for your dog in order to treat them until you are at your vet.

My dog buries and hides bones or other items, why does he do that?

In ancient times, the dogs’ ancestors used to bury their bones (or food) to save them for future survival. So, most probably, the domesticated dogs of this era have inherited this behavior from their ancestors.

Secondly, you may be giving more food to your furbaby so he eats what is enough for him and keeps the rest for the future.

Also, there are chances that your dog does it for fun, especially, when it comes to hiding your valuable items under a sofa or whatever place they use to hide.

So, if you looking for your car keys or glasses for a long time and didn’t find yet, follow your dog wherever he goes and you may find your items. Don’t forget to thank us later. 😉

Can dogs see ghosts?

There are a number of theories in favor of and against this question. The dogs have an amazing sense of smell, hearing, taste, and smell. And they use these senses to hear, see, and sense what humans cannot. So, possibly they hear voices from far away which we can’t hear and it ends up in the assumption that they are hearing or seeing the spirits. Still, many dog parents have witnessed their dogs showing weird behavior and they believe that their dogs saw something supernatural.

Final Words:

So, these were among the 5 most-asked questions along with the summarised answers. If you too have such questions to ask, feel free to ask them using the comment form below.

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