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corgi adoption stories

How I Ended Up Adopting My Foster Dog

This is Andre’s story, who fostered a dog for 3 weeks and ended up adopting the dog because he fell in love with the pooch. Let’s read this inspiring story in his own words below.

They say that no one is smarter and more intelligent than humans in this world but in my opinion, dogs can outclass humans when it comes to intelligence and sensitivity. The only problem the dogs may have is that they can’t talk but they are smart enough to express their thoughts.

Well, it was the 13th of March in 2010 when I visited my local pet shelter. I was on my annual leaves from work and I decided to spend these vacations fostering a dog.

Actually, I wanted to get a dog from a shelter as a companion and explore the nearby forest, beaches, and other areas that I could not explore due to my busy routine. So, I visited the shelter on a good sunny day to pick up my companion.

What happened in the Shelter?

As soon as I entered the shelter, this Corgi started jumping in his cage. It looked like he already knew that I am there to adopt him, although I did not have any intention of fostering any specific dog. But, all of a sudden, I decided to foster this dog, Joe.

In the shelter, the authorities asked me to fulfill some formalities, also, they asked several questions about me and my home. When the shelter people opened the cage door, Joe suddenly came out and ran towards me. He was extremely happy and I can’t explain his happiness in words.

Joe at Home:

We came back home, I already had arranged some toys, food, and other necessary things for him. When we arrived home, he entered the home and started sniffing my siblings and everything that came his way. He was very happy. Following the next day, we started our adventure.

Adventure with Joe:

I had already chosen some dog parks, a beach, a couple of villages in the upstate, and several other places in my neighborhood. So, I and Joe started our mission at a dog park. It was a bright sunny day and there were lots of other pooches in the park. Joe spent almost 3 hours running and playing in the park. The best part of the park exploration was that Joe interacted with many other dogs. After 3 hours of playing, we visited a pet bakery where he chose his favorite food items and we came back home.

The rest days were also spent exploring places. We explored beaches, dog parks, a forest, and many other places. Joe was intelligent, goofy, funny, and loving. He had realized that I was the one who saved him from the shelter and he used to watch me every time he did something new.

What weird things he Did do during all these days?

  • He jumped into a pile of leaves and keep doing it in a funny but passionate way.
  • He splashed through a muddy puddle and kept playing with it for a long time.
  • He loved swimming.

What happened later?

These 3 weeks were the best experience of my life which I spent with Joe, the mighty dog. And when it was time to take him back to the shelter, I could not control myself and all of a sudden, I decided to keep him forever. I visited the shelter and asked them if I can keep my furbaby forever, and obviously, they had no objection.

Joe is still living with us. He is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi and he has now become a part of our family. Our gatherings and travel are incomplete without him.

Final Words:

If you too want to get a dog, get it from a shelter and you won’t regret it.

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