armenian gampr vs kangal dog

Armenian Gampr vs Kangal Dog: A Quick Comparison

Are you planning to adopt a livestock guardian dog for your farm or ranch and are confused between an Armenian Gampr and Kangal? Well, you do not need to worry because in this guide you’ll find a quick comparison between both breeds. This quick guide will be a great help for you when deciding between the Armenian Gampr and Kangal dog.

A Quick Introduction:

The Armenian Gampr and the Kangal are two ancient but reliable livestock guardian dog breeds that share some similarities due to their roles as protectors, but they also have significant differences in origin, appearance, temperament, and working style. Apart from all these features, it is important to get your dog from a well-reputed and experienced breeder.

Let’s find out the detailed difference between both dog breeds.

Origin and History

Armenian Gampr:

The Armenian Gampr is a native Armenian dog breed, with a history that dates back to 1,000 BC. It is believed to have developed naturally in the rugged Armenian Highlands, where it was primarily used to protect livestock, villages, and homes from predators like wolves and bears. The Armenian Gampr evolved without much selective breeding by breeders in ancient times, meaning it retains many of its natural traits. That’s why it is also called one of the original dog breeds.


Also known as the Kangal Shepherd dog, the Kangal dog originates from the Sivas region in central Anatolia, Turkey. It is also an ancient breed with a history of guarding livestock, particularly sheep and goats, against predators like wolves, jackals, and even bears. Unlike the Armenian Gampr, the Kangal dog has been selectively bred for centuries to improve its guarding instincts, making it highly esteemed for its protective abilities.


Armenian Gampr:

When it comes to appearance, the Armenian Gampr tends to have a more varied appearance due to its natural evolution and less selective breeding. It comes in different coat colors, including fawn, black, brown, white, and brindle. These dogs have a robust, muscular build, and males typically stand between 65-75 cm (25-29 inches) tall at the shoulder, with females slightly smaller. Their coats are dense and weather-resistant, suited to the cold mountain climate of Armenia.


The Kangal has a more standardized appearance due to breeders selectively breeding them since centuries. It is typically tan or fawn with a distinctive black mask on its face. The Kangal is a large, powerful, and well-proportioned dog, with males standing between 74-81 cm (29-32 inches) at the shoulder. Their coats are short and dense, providing them with good protection from the elements, though they are slightly less thick than the Armenian Gampr’s coat.

Temperament and Working Style

Armenian Gampr:

The Armenian Gampr is known for its independence, intelligence, and strong guarding instincts. Because of its natural development, it tends to make decisions on its own when protecting its flock or territory. It is highly adaptable, loyal, and capable of taking action without constant supervision from humans.

The Gampr bonds closely with its family and is very protective, but it is also calm and gentle with those it trusts. However, it can be wary of strangers and takes its guarding duties seriously, often acting more independently compared to other breeds.


The Kangal is also an independent and strong guardian, but it has been bred specifically for its role as a livestock protector. It is known for its calm, steady, and confident demeanor. These dogs are typically less aggressive than the Gampr, relying more on threatening techniques, such as their imposing size and deep bark, to ward off predators rather than attacking immediately.

These dogs are extremely loyal to their family and herd, and they work closely with humans, responding well to commands and guidance.

Aggressiveness and Protective Instincts

Armenian Gampr:

The Gampr is a fearless protector, willing to take on large predators without hesitation. It can be more aggressive in defending its flock or territory compared to the Kangal. Its natural, instinct-driven protection style means that it may act more firmly when faced with a threat, even without guidance from a human handler.


The Kangal is known for its more measured approach to threats. Rather than jumping into action aggressively, it will often use its presence, barking, and patrolling to deter predators. If necessary, the Kangal will defend its flock or family with great bravery, but it tends to avoid unnecessary confrontation. This trait makes it a reliable guardian for livestock, especially in open landscapes.


Armenian Gampr:

Due to its natural independence, the Armenian Gampr can be more challenging to train, especially for obedience-focused tasks. It is intelligent and capable of learning, but it has a strong will and may not always follow commands if it believes its actions are necessary for protection. This makes it more suited for experienced dog handlers who understand its unique working style.


The Kangal, while also independent, is more cooperative with human handlers, thanks to centuries of selective breeding for livestock protection. It is easier to train for specific tasks and is known for its loyalty and responsiveness to commands. While still strong-willed, the Kangal tends to follow human direction more readily than the Armenian Gampr.

Socialization and Family Life

Armenian Gampr:

This dog is highly loyal to its family, including children and other pets, as long as it is socialized properly from an early age. It can be more territorial and cautious around strangers, which makes early socialization essential. Once bonded with its family, the Armenian Gampr is affectionate and protective and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety.


Kangals are known for their gentle nature with children and other animals within their family. They are protective but generally more approachable and less territorial than the Gampr. Early socialization is still important, but the Kangal’s temperament tends to make it a more balanced family companion, especially in environments where it isn’t required to be overly aggressive.

Working Environment

Armenian Gampr:

The Armenian Gampr is highly adaptable and can work in diverse environments, from mountainous regions to rural farmlands. Its thick coat and robust build make it suitable for harsh, cold climates. This dog thrives in areas where it can roam freely and make independent decisions.


The Kangal is traditionally suited to open, rural areas with large herds of livestock. It is particularly effective in environments where it can patrol and oversee large expanses of land. Although it can adapt to other environments, its instincts are best utilized in spacious, outdoor settings where it can monitor and protect its flock effectively.


The Armenian Gampr and the Kangal are both formidable guardian dogs with a shared history of protecting livestock, but they differ significantly in appearance, temperament, and approach to work. The Gampr is a more natural, independent guardian with a higher level of aggressiveness, while the Kangal is known for its calm, measured responses and close work with humans. Both breeds make excellent protectors, but their suitability depends on the specific needs of the owner and the environment in which they will work or live.

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