funny dog names impractical jokers name game

Dog Names Inspired by Impractical Jokers Name Game

Looking for the funniest and weirdest dog names? We have brought something different this time- dog names inspired by the Impractical Jokers Name Game.

Impractical Jokers is a popular American TV show starring four members James Murray, Sal Vulcano, Brian Quinn, and Joe Gatto. It is a hidden camera reality show that has been airing since December 15, 2011, and 9 seasons have been aired till now.

In every episode, these members have to do a challenging funny dare, whatever they are asked by the other members. There are different challenge formats, punishments, competitions, and situations they have to deal with.

One of these funniest challenges is the “Name Game“.

What is Impractical Joker’s Name Game?

The Name Game (renamed as Cranjis McBasketball) is a challenge where each of the jokers has to appear as a focus group receptionist individually and call out the weirdest names made by other guys. The challenge is not to laugh while calling these names. Whoever laughs the least, wins the challenge.

All the Impractical Jokers fans must have an idea that the names called during the Name Game are incredibly creative and weird such as Earl Turlet and PingPong DingDong. Undoubtedly, you can choose several names for your dogs especially, if your dog is goofy and loves to do funny things.

So, in this post, you’ll find some of the best dog names inspired by the Impractical Jokers Name Game.

Top Dog Names Inspired From Impractical Jokers Name Game

Selected name for your dogWhat was the full name
MarinaraCorki Marinara
CleoCleo Dookieslide
SpandexMort Spandex
BicuriousBicurious Geaorge
Bottom-farterHelena Bottom-farter
BeefyBeefy McWhatnow
O'QueefDarcy O'Queef
ShawtyDamn Shawty
ScaroleDusty Scarole
AmbulanceSon Ambulance
WafflesSharty Waffkes
SkeetQueen Skeet
DiddyDiddy Doodat
LumpyLumpy Dumper
DumperLumpy Dumper
Chug-ChugChug-Chug Pickles
FunkDill Funk
SeahorseCaptain Malvin Seahorse
BundleballsTammy Bundleballs
Dr ShrimpDr Shrimp Porto
BobbywobbinRickyTicky Bobbywobbin
DaHubbahubbaRachel DaHubbahubba
O'QueefDarcy O'Queef
O'BoomboxCumby O'Boombox
PewpewpewChurch Pewpewpew
CoolieCoolie Whistles
Stunk Beagle-
CabbageheadHanny Cabbagehead
IndacaboosaJuanita Indacaboosa
DapeezaIta Dapeeza
FudgyFudgy Perks
CoconutsMother Coconuts
Doo-DooPrakash Indeep Doo-Doo
HillscopBeverly Hillscop II
Butch A.FButch A.F
ChineseChinese Name
MontoyaThe One-and-Only Egg Montoya
BeefiesBeefies Candelabra
SkinbagMrs. Skinbag
ToodlesToodles Valentine
FongoolBlo Fongool
DeucemanSlick Deuceman, Attorney-at-Law
GucciGucci Membrane
RatfootUncle Ratfoot
SparklesJacquette Sparkles

Unused Names

Many names were unused and not called during the game but they are still worth sharing. So, we have selected 15 best of the unused names from different episodes.

Selected name for your dogWhat was the full name
PanthonyAnthony Panthony
DogFaceScary DogFace
Touch-TouchMay Touch-Touch
SlimberSlimber Chock
GarygarGargary Garygar
AllbutterAllbutter Poundloaf
PoundloafAllbutter Poundloaf
MufflemanPrairiedog Muffleman
Kung-PowProfessor Hamstring Kung-Pow
DenzelDenzel WashingMachine
TristanTristan Crackers
CrackersTristan Crackers
BlubberKentucky Blubbers
DarcyDarcy St. Coos
AnyukAnyuk Nyuk

Final words:

So, these were some of the funniest and the weirdest names for dogs inspired by the Impractical Jokers Name Game. Which name was the funniest of all?

Recommended read – 100+ Delicious Food Dog Names for 2024

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