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dog Arthritis joint pain

How Can You Ease Your Senior Dog’s Arthritis Joint Pain?

Few experiences in life can truly compare to owning a dog. Virtually any canine, no matter the breed, size, or gender, will show you its undivided attention and treat you as not only its master but also a great friend. Even a stray, should you show it love and affection, will always stay by your side, eagerly and without fail, wait for your return, and most importantly – never betray you, no matter the situation. If one were to describe a dog in one phrase, it would be “loyal to a fault,” from puppy to the grave.

Because of this absolute commitment, you should always take good care of your dog, especially when it’s suffering from an ailment, such as arthritis. This condition is both commonplace and painful, and worst of all – sadly, there’s no magical cure for it.

Fortunately, there are some ways in which you can mitigate the worst of the effects it has on your dog, including feeding your Pet-Friendly CBD treats, giving it anti-inflammatory medication, providing it with an orthopedic bed, making it do mild exercise, giving it some massages, purchasing dog ramps and steps and sticking to a balanced diet. Explore the tips below and learn how to properly help your arthritis-stricken canine companion.

Feed Your Dog CBD Treats

If you’re looking for a way to help your dog, giving it some CBD dog treats is a safe bet. These treats are made by extracting CBD oil from hemp, which has many health benefits, including relief from pain, anxiety, and inflammation. While this doesn’t mean you should give your dog marijuana, it does mean that you can safely give it treats containing CBD oil, which is entirely natural and organic.

Be aware that the dosages of such treats must be calculated appropriately, as giving your dog too much can cause side effects such as dry mouth and drowsiness. But if you take the time to research and consult with your vet, you can rest assured that you’ll be giving your dog all the benefits CBD oil has to offer.

Get Your Dog Anti-Inflammatory Medication

Another way to help your dog is to get anti-inflammatory medication, which can help it deal with the pain of arthritis and the swelling and inflammation it may be experiencing. Analgesics are especially useful, as they can help relieve your dog’s pain enough so that it can enjoy its daily activities more.

Another good option is NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatories). These are also proven to help reduce pain, but they have some side effects, including diarrhea, stomach ulcers, and kidney problems. So, make sure to consult with a veterinarian before giving your dog any medications.

Make Your Dog Get Some Mild Exercise

This one may seem a little counterintuitive, but it’s a great way to help your arthritic dog. Dog owners who have arthritis know that exercise in moderation is a great way to ease their pain and stiffness. The same is true for dogs, especially the senior ones.

The best thing you can do is get your dog to walk with you for at least one hour every day. This will help get the blood flowing and loosen up its joints, making it feel better. If you don’t have the time to walk around the neighborhood, you can also try getting your dog to play fetch or run around the house.

Give Your Dog an Orthopedic Bed

Another way to help your dog is by getting it an orthopedic bed. These beds are specifically designed to give your dog maximum comfort and support while at the same time relieving some of its pain and pressure. The best orthopedic beds are made from memory foam, which conforms nicely to your dog’s body and relieves pressure points.

It’s also important for you to choose an orthopedic bed with a breathable and water-resistant cover so that it will be easy to clean and will protect your dog from fleas and other parasites.

Feed Your Dog a Balanced Diet

If you want to help your arthritic dog, you should make sure it gets a balanced diet. This means it should be getting enough protein, omega fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. The key here is not to overdo it with any nutrient but instead, give it a proper balance of all of them. If you’re unsure about how much of each nutrient your dog needs, consult with your vet who can recommend a proper diet plan for your canine companion or even particular brands of dog food for its needs.

Consider Giving Your Dog Regular Massages

One final way to help your dog with arthritis is to give it regular massages. This will help loosen up its muscles, relieve some of its pain, and give it much-needed affection. If you’re unsure how to do this, you can use the various tutorials on YouTube, which explain how to give your dog a great massage. You may also want to check out various dog-oriented blogs and articles to be found on the internet.

Consider Purchasing Some Dog Ramps or Steps

Dog ramps and steps are essential for dogs with mobility problems or arthritis. They can help your dog get up on the bed, couch, or other furniture without hurting their joints. The dog steps are also great for helping your dog get in and out of the car, which will reduce the strain on their legs and hips. If you buy some of these tools, your dog will be able to get around more easily, giving it more energy to play around and exercise.


Few things in life are as fulfilling as owning a dog. So if you have one, you should never hesitate to go the extra mile to help it live a healthy and happy life. The methods mentioned above are just some of the many ways in which you can help your dog deal with arthritis.

All in all, the key here is to make sure you’re giving your elder dog the proper care and attention it deserves. Your dog will be eternally grateful for it. Good luck to both of you!

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