puppy supplies checklist

Shop before you adopt – Checklist for would-be pet parents

In your childhood, how many times did you fight with your parents to have a pet around? Without any doubt, you’ll say ‘many times’.

And now that your children are doing the same, you really want to fulfill their furry wish. Right?

First of all, hearty congratulation! You are about to have a family member who will be loved by all and will give you unconditional love, no matter what.

But hang on! Do you even know how to take care of a pup? Or what it needs? Or what not to do? If not, then that’s perfectly fine and normal because that’s really how newbie parents feel for the very first time.

So, before you consider getting a dog (or a cat, or any other pet), you need to give a “tick” to this checklist. Trust me! It’ll help you keep your newest family member safe, entertained, and stylish.


Related: Puppy First Day Home – Do’s, Don’ts, & Preparation

Necessary Pet Supplies You Should Get:

Get Collars and Leash

Having a leash and a collar has to be on the top of your pup’s shopping list. Did you know that less than 3% of lost cats and 10% of the lost dogs get reunited with their families? That’s really depressing.

Another positive- According to the veterinarians, fitted collars or leashes minimizes the risk of causing animal injuries. No one can explain the heartbreak caused due to runaway pets.

Pups are cute, but they are jumpy and runny too. And you don’t want to be unarmed before they enter your home. Getting collars is the first thing that can help you discipline them the way you want them to. Also, it will help you put an identification mark on your minion. Let’s just say that collars with a specific identification mark are the fastest ticket for your pup to return home if it gets lost or runs away.

Prepare the wardrobe

Not many people know this, but preparing a wardrobe for your littlest family member is just as important as preparing your own. Obviously, they also need to be protected from the weather. Also, let’s not forget how cute those cute pups look when they are dressed in trending outfits. Right?

Suppose you are getting a dog, then you can opt for the latest shirts, dresses, hoodies, sweatshirts, dresses, etc. You can also go for coordinated outfits for festivals like Christmas, St Patrick’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, or maybe just another Monday. And it’s needless to say that with all those trending, amazing, and cute outfits, your pup will have more followers on Instagram than you. This is really awesome; you’ll have your personal celebrity around all the time.

Don’t forget the Toys and Treats.

Generally, people forget this part because they think that they can get toys and treats after their pup gets comfortable in their home. But that’s really not the case anymore. Thanks to this checklist, you’ll be able to stay one step ahead every time and will be prepared in advance to welcome your pooch.

Toys and treats keep your furry friend entertained and happy. They love to chew, play and cuddle with things. And if they aren’t provided with proper distraction, the next thing they hop on will be your furniture, shoes, carpet, or any other valuable thing. Nobody wants to ruin their furniture or other valuables. Right?

So you need to look for appropriate treats that can make dinner/lunch and training sessions fun and entertaining. Obviously, you would need something to store them. Don’t worry! There’s a solution for that too. You can go for creative bowls and treat jars that can help you keep those cookies safe and your fur baby happy.

Prepare a separate bedding area.

If you don’t want to let your dog/cat sleep with you in your bed, then you have to prepare a separate bedding area for them. Yes, it’s good to snuggle and cuddle with a furry little friend, but they need their space, and so do you.

So, before you introduce your furry little baby to your home, you need to have a special place set up just for your fur baby. You can opt for a crate or simple mattress and blanket to prepare a comfortable sleeping area.

A piece of advice: Before you go shopping for the crate, make sure you keep these things in mind.

  • Make sure your pup feels comfortable because it will be its den from now on. It shouldn’t have to feel like a cage, so you need to introduce it to your pup properly.
  • Always go for a good-quality and durable crate because it’s going to be with your pup for a really long time.
  • The size of the crate depends upon the size of the pup. Your fur baby should be able to stand, move, turn and sleep comfortably in the crate. So make sure you choose the one in which your fur baby can grow into.

Carriers are a must

What if you are a family that travels a lot and would want your furry friend to accompany you? How are you planning to take it on planes, ships, or even cars? Please don’t say that you have a leash for it. Having a carrier can help you to tag your friend along without any hassle. It keeps them safe on a road trip and is possible for you to carry them on your plane rides. Plus, it is also very convenient on the trip to vets or groomers.

To sum it all up!

Before you bring your furry companion home, it is really thoughtful for you if you decide to prep up before bringing one home. Having a furry companion around is pretty awesome. You can play, snuggle, cuddle and go for walks together. They help in developing empathy and compassion amongst kids.

Apart from the tips mentioned above, you should also purchase or download a training guide that can help you discipline your pup. Please don’t be one of those parents who shouts just because their pup isn’t responding to the training sessions. Be firm and patient to maintain a healthy environment around your pet. Also, encourage your kids to do the same and keep them supervised if they are around.

So, now that you know what essentials can help you take care of your pet dog as your own baby, make sure you provide your furry family member with everything it needs. And once you’ve marked “check” to everything on the checklist, don’t wait another day to bring your pup home!

Recommended read:

Why Should You Adopt a Dog from Shelter?
How to Teach Your Dog Scent Detection
Things not to do while Grooming your Dog

Image credit: Shannon K

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