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dog sunglasses

Should You Consider Dog Sunglasses?

If you’re training to be a vet assistant or vet tech, it’s important to become familiar with all aspects of pet healthcare.  Eyecare is no different. Because dogs tend to be more active and prone to eye injuries, it’s essential for you to know the right treatments for their everyday injuries and conditions. Apart from that, you need to be familiar with all this as a responsible dog owner too.

So, the question is how to prevent your dogs from catching eye injuries and attracting dirt. The answer is “Dog Sunglasses“.

Dog sunglasses offer plenty of protection against eye irritants such as dust, dirt, or pollen, as well as, work as a safeguard for your dog’s eyes especially if it’s a super-active and energetic dog. We will take a deeper look into whether you should consider sunglasses for a dog.

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Why do dogs need sunglasses?

Eye injuries and conditions

The most common reason why veterinarians suggest sunglasses or goggles is to prevent eye injuries. At the very least, these sunglasses can help existing conditions from growing worse. Here are some of the most common eye conditions that dogs will face and why wearing sunglasses can help prevent them.

Mild eye injuries

Without sunglasses, it is much easier for dirt, pollen, and other irritants to land on a dog’s eyes, especially if you live in a dusty area or go for a hike with your dog in a dusty area. These irritants can then scratch or damage the eye, or aggravate any pre-existing eye conditions the dog already faces, if not washed out properly.


Glaucoma occurs when the aqueous humor builds up and causes increased pressure against the dog’s eyes. This condition can be genetic in some breeds such as a Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, Beagle, etc, though it also largely depends on a dog’s eye drainage angle. If there is a blockage from dirt or debris, then glaucoma can occur more easily.


Cataracts can form for a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Old age
  • Trauma
  • Inflammation of the eye’s uvea
  • Low blood calcium or other nutritional deficiencies
  • Secondary condition to diabetes mellitus
  • Prolonged exposure to UV light

Though sunglasses cannot prevent cataracts from forming entirely, they can at the very least reduce the chances of a dog developing trauma-related cataracts.

Related – How to take care of blind and deaf dogs?

Against the Light Reflected by Snow

dog sunglasses snow

Those who live in snowy areas may already know how irritating and damaging is the light reflected by snow. It is highly recommended for humans wear sunglasses or goggles to guard against the Ultra-Violet rays, so for dogs. Exposure to UV rays may damage your dog’s eyes badly. One thing to remember here is that sledding breeds such as a Siberian Husky or an Alaskan Malamute already have fur around their eyes that help them absorb these rays and they may not need sunglasses.

While Running Through a Dense Forest

Hunting dogs and search and rescue dogs would also need goggles to keep their eyes from being punctured or injured if they are hunting through a dense forest or if they are performing a search and rescue mission.

Symptoms to watch out for

Dogs can suffer from a wide variety of eye conditions that impair their vision and overall health. As an upcoming vet assistant or vet tech, or dog owner, you need to know the majority of the symptoms that dogs with eye conditions will face, including:

  • Watery or cloudy eyes
  • Redness in or around the eye area
  • Rubbing the eyes with paws or against furniture
  • Constant scratching of the eye area
  • Squinting when not in direct light
  • Avoidance of sun or bright lights

One or more of these symptoms can signify irritation, which can easily be flushed out. However, they may also be the beginning signs of more serious conditions like those mentioned above. You should take the time to thoroughly inspect the dog’s eyes to confirm whether they just have dust in their eye(s) or are suffering from some other condition.

Seek out the veterinarians or doctors in your facility if you aren’t quite sure. By issuing vet-approved sunglasses or dog goggles, you can help the dog owner minimize irritant contact and better protect their dog’s eyes.

What Type Of Eyewear Should You Choose For Your Dog?

There are different factors to weigh in when choosing ‘dog glasses.’ And one of the biggest challenges is ensuring your dog gets used to the goggles. Some dogs are comfortable with something covering their eyes, while some get agitated. Before you think of buying goggles for your dog, see whether or not they are comfortable with them.

Just like for us, eyewear should be comfortable for dogs as well. This is the reason why all styles of sunglasses for dogs are goggle-style glasses with a strap to keep them in place. But, at the same time, you need to ensure that the dog goggle is not impeding the lifestyle of the dog.

A dog should be able to continue with daily activities like eating, drinking, and navigating the environment without any issues.

When a human tries to buy sunglasses, they have to consider their long and short-sightedness. But for dogs, they often don’t need the correction. Thus, you can simply buy dog goggles from any vet shop.

You must understand that protecting your dog’s vision starts with a professional evaluation. You can’t just buy any goggles for your dog. You must ensure that you take your dogs to the veterinarian every year and twice for older dogs for a thorough checkup. If your vet agrees with the dog goggle, choose a high-quality one that fits your dog perfectly and don’t make them comfortable.

When to consider sunglasses for dogs

As always, you should first consult with veterinarians or other doctors on-site before issuing any treatments. They are the only ones qualified to suggest any new medications or treatments to patients. While as an owner, you should talk to your vet before making any decision regarding sunglasses for your pup.

Sunglasses can be considered for dogs who suffer from frequent eye injuries or symptoms of other eye conditions. They can also be issued to dog owners who simply want an extra mode of protection for their dogs’ eyes.

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