For most of us, student life is one of the most enjoyable times of our lives, during which we create lasting memories and friendships. Sometimes though, student life can be demanding and even lonely. Adapting to a new environment and grasping a new culture might be difficult for students who have trouble fitting in. So, a pet, especially a dog might completely change their lives.
So, we wanted to point out something. Owning a dog is not the same as getting a new toy. You must love your puppy, care for it, and devote enough time to fit needs. If you’re not ready to make this commitment, don’t get a dog, period. Respect and love are primordial when taking care of them. You must be available at all times, and you must be as devoted and protective of them as they are of you.
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Why Should Students Own Dogs?
Dogs are life-saviors. When you’re too anxious about school or worried about your grades, your furry best friend may just save your life. He or she will remind you of all the wonderful moments you’ve shared and will assist you in relaxing. It will assist you in finding your path in life and unconditionally adore you no matter what you choose.
A dog will make you laugh. You will be amused by your dog in every single way. Because they are so charming, hilarious, and adorable, they may easily make you laugh! If you get a puppy, you’ll enjoy seeing him do weird things or be stupidly funny. When you’re depressed or lonely, dogs can bring a smile to your face and wipe away your tears. They’re the best of the best or we can invent a new word to praise them, Bestest!
Dogs are loyal. Friends come and go, but dogs are always there for you. Your dog, believe it or not, will become your best friend. It will brighten your day from morning till evening. They will stay loyal to you no matter what happens and they’ll guard you properly. They really love you unconditionally.
Dogs can help you become more social. You’ll turn into a more friendly person while walking your dog outdoors (and you won’t even realize it!). Because dogs are naturally quite social, they will want to sniff and play with other pets. As they do so, you will have the opportunity to meet the owners of the other pets and form long-lasting connections. This occurs all the time on campus!
Your dog will help you stay in shape. Because your dog will drive you outside all the time, it will protect you from becoming sick. He or she will make it easier to move around and interact with others. It will assist you in becoming more self-assured and less worried about your health. Plus, it will help you improve your physical health. What’s better than jogging with your dog?
They make you punctual. Dogs come with responsibilities. They usually do their routine business (meals, exercise, walking) daily at the same time, thus, it impacts your life positively and makes you punctual.
A dog will give you purpose. Your dog might be able to help if you’re not completely sure why you’re doing something. They’ll help you feel more fulfilled, cherished, and thus, in a better emotional state. Your dog will ultimately provide you with your real-life goal.
Dogs give us the confidence to be ourselves. You can’t feel bad while walking around campus with your dog. You’ll be self-assured, appreciated, and overjoyed. Your dog will help you gain confidence in yourself and see how wonderful you are. They’ll play, run, be active, and spread the love around.
Dogs are happy so they make us happy. You’ll see, if you decide to get a dog, you’ll endlessly smile – seriously! Whenever you get the chance to. Your days will be more enjoyable, and your heart will expand.
Wondering what breed of dog would be suitable for you? Don’t worry as we have added the 7 best dog breeds suitable for students like you and should consider adopting one from your local dog shelter.
Top 7 Dog Breeds You Should Consider Getting
We have been watching people foster dogs and you may also think of it, but if you really have no possibility of doing so, check out these next dog breeds. If, however, you have the chance to adopt, go visit a local dog shelter. You’ll be saving a life by doing so.
Yorkshire Terrier
The Yorkshire Terriers are hypoallergenic and they’re great! They’re bossy and independent, but also loving and caring. They’ll provide you with the best companionship.
They’re intellectual, and caring, and can easily spend time alone in a flat. They love physical activities and they do also have a low-shedding coat.
Labrador Retriever
Labrador Retrievers are the world’s best dog breed for a reason. They are considered the most loyal dogs and will be there for you whenever you need them. They’re super friendly but require lots of energy.
Chinese Crested
They will bring you joy any time they can and they’ll easily capture your feelings and moods. Chinese Crested Dog is a small-sized dog and would love to spend its time on your lap.
Boston Terrier
Boston Terrier, the state dog of Massachusetts is a medium-sized dog who loves to walk and partake in intellectual games. It gets upset if you scold them too much, though. Who wouldn’t?
Continental Toy Spaniel
They love learning something new and they don’t require super-long walks. They can be the right match for you if you don’t have much time to walk your dog.
They’re optimistic and great companions. They love walking and they can eat endlessly. Don’t be tricked! Interestingly, they are also known as the clowns of the canine world.
Why are these breeds best suited for students?
The above dog breeds are most suitable for students because students often combine work and study and cannot go on long walks every day. They always have a lot of homework and work in the evenings or mornings. So, they can’t physically get up to go for a walk or jog with their pet all the time.
These breeds are quite independent and survive without their owner for a longer time than other breeds without losing any feelings. However, students shouldn’t take their dogs for granted because of this. These breeds still need lots of love and attention.
So, if you are in love with your dog and need more time to spend with it, you may need to create a balance between your studies and your fur baby.
Similarly, you may also patch up with your friends in taking care of your dogs. Let’s say your friend also has a dog but he is as busy as you. So, you may take his dog for a walk along with your dog when your friend is busy studying and he can do the same while you are busy.
These hacks would definitely give you a fair relief from college problems. And you’ll definitely be able to pay more attention to your pet, walk them more, jog with them, or train them. Since we all know pets are our lives, you might want to use such services and hacks to keep your pet happy and loved. As you might well know, this requires time.
Wrapping Up
Getting a puppy is the best idea you’ve ever had but be sure you have enough time to devote to it. Make certain you are capable of being a responsible pet owner. As I stated previously, this could be the most valuable investment you’ve ever made.