Can dogs eat napa cabbage a.k.a Chinese cabbage and Wombok?
Are there any health benefits of napa cabbage on dogs?
If you are looking for the answers to these questions, keep reading this informative article.
Dogs love to eat almost everything, good or bad because they don’t know what’s beneficial to them and what’s deadly. They are omnivorous and they eat both plants and animal matter to survive.
In Australia, the Napa Cabbage is known as Wombok.
Interestingly, just like humans, they do also have likes and dislikes in terms of food. They may or may not like a specific food. There are various human foods that dogs love to eat but their owners are confused about whether they feed their dogs that food or not. One of these human food items is the Napa Cabbage.
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What is Napa Cabbage?
Commonly known as Chinese cabbage, the napa cabbage is one of the over dozen types of cabbages found in many countries. It is said that this cabbage type has been used in China since the 1200s. It became popular in Japan in the 1800s and now it can be found almost everywhere.
Napa cabbage is sweet and crispy and it is used in various dishes such as soups, noodles, salads, sandwiches, and others.
Other types of cabbage:
If you don’t find napa cabbage in your local grocery shop, you can try other types of cabbage, such as:
- Red cabbage
- White cabbage
- Green cabbage
- Pointed cabbage
- Kale
- Savoy cabbage
There may be some other types of cabbage with different nutritional values. So, it’s good to talk to your vet before feeding them to your fur babies.
Health Benefits of Napa Cabbage:
Napa cabbage, Chinese Cabbage, or Wombok has lots of health benefits. It contains vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients while it has no cholesterol at all.
Some of the major nutrients in napa cabbage are:
- Calcium – Best for bones and muscles’ strength.
- Dietary fiber – Improves the digestive system, lowers cholesterol levels, and keeps the blood sugar level stable.
- Vitamin B9 – Improves heart health and circulatory system.
- Vitamin C – Immunity booster and a wall against iron deficiency.
- Copper, iron, and manganese – All of these minerals are helpful in nerve development, red blood cell health, and protection against cellular damage.
There are many other nutrients in napa cabbage that have a positive impact on overall health.
Can my Dog Eat Napa Cabbage?
Yes, Napa cabbage is totally safe for your dog and it can eat it, as well as, other varieties of cabbage such as savoy cabbage, green cabbage, and purple cabbage. But make sure to feed your dog Napa cabbage in moderate amounts as an excess of everything is not recommended.
When given in moderation, Napa cabbage could benefit your dog a lot as it contains various nutrients including Vitamin C, Calcium, and Fiber.
How to Feed Napa Cabbage to my Dog?
You can feed them cooked, as well as, raw napa cabbage (cooked napa cabbage is recommended though). The best way to feed your dog napa cabbage is to boil or steam it, cut it into small pieces, and add them to regular food. It may be sometimes a bit difficult for dogs to digest it so keep an eye on your dog if feeding it napa cabbage for the first time. You may also add a drop of Karo Syrup or Glucose Syrup in it to improve its taste.
So, napa cabbage could be a highly beneficial food for your fur baby. You can feed it raw, cooked, boiled, as a treat, as a snack, mixed with regular food, or in any way your dog likes it. It’s full of nutrients and has no negative impact on your dog’s life.
So, what are you looking at? Just go grab some napa cabbage from the store and add it to your dog’s regular diet.
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