dog supplements

Supplements You Can and Can’t Give to Your Dog

It’s always there to meet you, play with you, or simply rest on your lap; your dog is your best buddy. It’s only natural that you want your canine companion to be as healthy and happy as possible – and this may be a good reason to consider providing it with some nutritional supplements. After all, many dog owners all around the world do that, and it appears to be a wise move. However, that’s not so simple.

There is a list of such items in the article below, which includes vitamins C and D as well as CBD and omega-3 fatty acids, among other things. However, it’s important to remember not to offer your dog human supplements because the dosage may be too high. And don’t forget to consult your vet beforehand – this way, you can ensure that anything you give to your dog is good for it. Now, read on, learn more about the subject, and ensure that your dog gets only the best care.

Supplements You Can Give to Your Dog:

Vitamin C

Many pet owners already know that vitamin C helps support the immune system, but its role becomes even more important during the colder months. Vitamin C is responsible for the production of collagen, which keeps your dog’s cartilage and joints healthy. It is also used to produce antioxidants that fight off free radical damage.

You can give your dog vitamin C in the form of l-ascorbic acid or calcium ascorbate. The dose depends on your dog’s size – daily, it’s around 100-500mg depending on your furry friend’s weight, but make sure to consult your vet to get the correct dosage.


CBD is a compound that comes from the marijuana plant. This substance is used to treat various ailments both in humans and canines as it helps relieve pain and inflammation, improves bone growth, and helps fight cancerous cells.

It’s important to note that CBD can affect a dog’s performance in behavioral and cognitive tests. For example, as CBD is primarily used for treating anxiety in dogs, it might also cause slight drowsiness, which may not be desirable for all pet owners. To avoid that, make sure to consult your vet first to determine the proper dosage and choose only the best-quality CBD pet products.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for your dog’s healthy skin and coat, as well as, for keeping the joints lubricated. They are also helpful in improving heart function and reducing inflammation. You can get these nutrients by choosing high-quality foods containing fish oil or flaxseed, or you can give your pet supplements, such as fish oil capsules or flaxseed oil tablets.

Glucosamine and Chondroitin

These two nutrients are often used to treat arthritis. They help regenerate cartilage and reduce inflammation. Glucosamine is responsible for producing glycosaminoglycans that protect the cartilage, while chondroitin contributes to the synthesis of new cartilage. You can give your dog glucosamine and chondroitin in the form of tablets or pills.

Supplements You Shouldn’t Give Your Dog:

Vitamin D

This vitamin is vital for strong bones and muscles, as well as, for normal blood clotting and immune system function. However, vitamin D toxicity can have adverse effects on your dog’s health – it can cause side effects such as vomiting, loss of appetite, and increased urination. For these reasons, it would be better to improve your dog’s vitamin D intake by diversifying its diet to avoid overdoing supplements.


As you may know, calcium is also a bone-related nutrient. However, it has some downsides, too – it can cause kidney stones and excessive thirst or urination. In addition, it can lead to dangerous heart rhythm irregularities. Also, hypercalcemia can result in several gastrointestinal issues.

Supplement overdose is a real thing, but the risk is very high when it comes to calcium. It is not recommended to give it to your dog unless your vet suggests otherwise.


Iron is responsible for oxygen transport throughout the body, but it can be highly toxic and even life-threatening for your dog. Taking too much of it can lead to several unpleasant side effects, including vomiting, fever, diarrhea, and even lethargy and organ failure. While this element is essential, try to sneak it into your dog’s diet instead of giving it supplements – for example, add sardines, eggs, or liver into homemade food.


It is a sweetener that you can find in many different products, including sugar-free chewing gum, candy, and low-quality supplements. However, dogs are extremely sensitive to it, and even a tiny amount of it can cause life-threatening symptoms, including seizures, hypoglycemia, liver failure, or even death. Before giving your dog any supplements, check the label and ensure there is no xylitol in them.

Final Thoughts

It’s crucial to know about the supplements your dog can and can’t have. It’s not safe to give your dog human supplements, and it’s always better to consult with a vet before you start giving your pet any supplements. In most cases, you can ensure that your dog gets all the essential nutrients from its food, and many additional supplements are unnecessary.

Also, keep in mind that too much of a good thing can be harmful when it comes to supplements. However, if you want to improve your pet’s quality of life, giving it low doses of supplements under the supervision of a veterinarian can be only beneficial.

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