Corgi is a fluffy entertaining dog that comes in a small package. Categorized into 2 different sub-breeds; Cardigan Welsh and Pembroke Welsh, this small-sized pup is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world.
This dwarf dog was used to herd cattle in the beginning and was not very popular until Queen Elizabeth II started taking an interest in Corgis. She had around 30 Corgis and Corgi mixes at a time and as a result, the Corgis gained a lot of popularity.
Like any other breed, Corgis do also have some specific diseases and health-related issues they are prone to. It is recommended to know about all such issues before getting a Corgi; therefore, we have compiled a list of possible diseases a Corgi may get during its lifetime.
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What diseases a Corgi may get during its lifetime?
There are around a dozen diseases or health conditions your Corgi pup (Pembroke or Welsh) may develop during its lifetime. Let’s shed some light on them one by one below.
Hip Dysplasia
Hip Dysplasia is one of the most terrifying and scariest medical conditions a dog may develop, especially the large-sized dogs are prone to this disease. It is a malfunction of the hip joint in which the ball and socket do not fit the way they should. As a result, it grinds and stops functioning properly.
Corgis may also develop Hip Dysplasia due to several reasons such as genetic inheritance, wrong types of exercise, and excessive growth rate.
Progressive Retinal Atrophy
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) is a group of different diseases that lead to complete blindness in dogs. Retinal Dysplasia is one of the initial stages of PRA. This disease can also be inherited so a Corgi having PRA should not be further bred. Vets and experts suggest performing tests for Corgis in order to prevent the inheritance of such diseases.
Retinal Dysplasia
Abnormal development of the retina is known as Retinal Dysplasia. Retinal Dysplasia is neither progressive nor painful but it causes vision impairment in dogs. There are several symptoms, causes, and types of Retinal Dysplasia in dogs but unfortunately, there is no treatment for this eye disease.
Pembroke and Cardigan Welsh Corgis are also prone to Retinal Dysplasia, so, they should be checked thoroughly prior to breeding.
Eye Cataract
As the name indicates, Eye Cataract is yet another condition that affects the dog’s eyes. In an Eye Cataract, the lens of the eye becomes cloudy and gradually the dog goes blind. Like Retinal Dysplasia, this condition is also painless but permanent. There are several causes of Eye cataracts and the most common is inheritance. About 100 different dog breeds have been said to be prone to this disease.
Intervertebral Disc Disease
Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) is a spinal disease in dogs and cats that leads to paralysis or partial loss of limb function. This painful disease can occur in several areas in your dog such as the neck, back, or lower back.
IVDD is a common disease in dwarf breeds such as Corgi, Shih Tzu, or Dachshund while some cases are also reported in large dogs.
von Willebrand Disease
von Willebrand Disease (vWD) is a bleeding disorder in dogs that is caused due to a lack of a specific protein that is responsible for clotting. In vWD, you may witness bleeding from your dog’s different organs such as the urinary bladder, and nose, or after trauma or surgery. If the bleeding is uncontrollable, the dogs may die.
Cutaneous Asthenia
Cutaneous Asthenia is a skin disorder in dogs, cats, horses, and humans. Also known as Ehler-Danlos Syndrome, this medical condition causes stretchy skin which can be torn very easily. Cutaneous Asthenia is caused by the lack of collagen molecules which is necessary for the strength and elasticity of the dog’s skin. Other dog breeds prone to this scary disease are English Springer Spaniels, Keeshonds, Boxers, and Beagles, etc.
It is yet another inherited disorder in dogs in which the dogs develop stones in their kidney, bladder, or ureter. Actually, due to this disorder, the cystine won’t filter out of the urine, hence, the abundance of cystine leads to the formation of stones. It is a common disease and over 70 dog breeds including Newfoundland, English Bulldog, and Irish Terrier are known to develop it. It is a highly painful disease and can make your dog cry in pain.
Wrapping it up:
So, these were some common diseases and disorders a Corgi may develop or inherit. So, before breeding a Corgi or getting one from a breeder, you should check for the parents’ health certificates. Also, avoid getting a puppy from a puppy mill or backyard breeder and prefer getting one from a reputable breeder.
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