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Ideal Dog Breeds for You Based on Your Birth Month

All the dogs deserve a loving owner and a loving family. While getting a dog for the first time, people usually take some time before choosing the right dog breed, did you ever think which dog breed is suitable for you according to your birth month? Well, today we are going to tell you the best dog breeds for you based on your birth months.

But wait, before finalizing any breed, do your homework and check whether you’ll be able to maintain that breed or not. Because every breed has different traits, needs, health-related issues, energy levels, and much more.

Now, let’s move to the next part; breed according to your birth month.

January: Siberian Husky


So, you were born in January, right? First, let me tell you about yourself. You are caring and warm inside, always ready to help the people. Moreover, you are a born leader and always try to lead from the first.

Now, some words about Siberian Husky. He is an adventurous dog looking for a confident owner to take his charge. Based on your birth month January, Siberian Husky will suit you a lot.

February: Beagle


Well, being born in February, you are a joyful and happy person. You are a loyal, dedicated, and respectful person. Once you are given a task, you try to give your 100% in completing that task.

And, your soulmate is a Beagle. Like you, Beagle is joyful and loving. Moreover, Beagles love their owners and are among the ideal dog breeds for children and families. Interestingly, they are known for talking too much, I mean barking too much.

March: Labrador Retriever


Were you born in March? Well, then you are passionate, dramatic, and full of energy. You don’t trust anyone easily, but when you start trusting someone, you break all the records. And yes, why do you hide your emotions and thoughts from others? Be open and start making new friends.

As you don’t share much with the people, the Labrador Retriever is the perfect match for you. Labrador Retriever is said to be one of the best listener dogs. So, get one, and keep sharing your secrets and life with him.

April: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


You are a spirited and thoughtful person. People love you because you make them happy more than yourself. You impress everyone in the very first meeting, and once you leave, your light remains there for a long time.

You need a lapdog for yourself who is always there to please you. Just like you, wherever they go, they leave their signs behind. And guess what, they are among the most popular dogs among celebrities, and former U.S. president Ronald Regan also had one.

May: Chihuahua


You are an awesome, self-motivated, and big-hearted person. You hate staying indoors and are always ready to travel and explore new places. Moreover, you are hard-working and restless but never complain.

So, you love to travel a lot? Why not get a dog breed that is the best match for you while traveling? In that case, the Chihuahua is the best dog for you, easy to travel with, and yes, this smallest dog is as big-hearted as you. Read about the Chihuahua Cavalier cross.

June: Dachshund

dachshund dog

So, you are a June kid. I know you are highly intelligent, passionate, and fearless. You never say ‘No’ and you are a good performer. Your mind is always filled with unique and silly ideas, and yes, you are prone to sniffles and sneezes.

Being a June kid, your ideal dog breed is Dachshund. Despite their small size, they bark surprisingly loud and have an affectionate personality. Also popular as doxies, they come in several colors and varieties. They are fearless and highly intelligent like you, so they can be a perfect match dog for you.

July: German Shepherd

german shepherd


So you were born in July, that is why you are always curious about yourself. You are always ready to accept challenges, and once you accept a challenge, no one can stop you from doing it. And yes, you don’t like changes.

German Shepherd is among the most intelligent and curious dog breeds which is why it suits you a lot. They are courageous and powerful, and they are smart enough to learn any job. Moreover, their energy level is incredible, and just like you, they never say ‘No’.

August: Doberman Pinscher


If you were born in August, you are confident enough to face any situation. You are a calm leader, a great advisor, and a responsible friend. You love your life, friends, and nature, in fact, you love everything. You are a party guy and always there to rock.

Being a leader, you need a dog breed that can lead from the front just like you. Although several smart breeds can be considered, your ideal match is a Doberman Pinscher. It is a fearless, loyal, and intelligent dog, and guess what, they have served the U.S. Army during World War II.

September: Shih Tzu


Being a September kid, you are calm and simple. All you love is one’s sincerity, and yes, you are not impressed by the technology. In short, you have a traditional-type nature and you find your love in anything that is antique and old.

Shih Tzu is one of the oldest dog breeds as their existence dates back to at least 1,000 years back. They are among the calmest dog breeds ever, and with the fact that you love antiques, this ancient dog breed is a perfect match for you.

October: Pembroke Welsh Corgi


Well, if you were born in October, you are a charismatic and charming soul. Your magnetic personality can win everyone’s heart and you have a positive influence on others. You believe in justice, honesty, and harmony.

So, your sweetheart is a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. Similar to your charismatic and magnetic personality, they also impress everyone they meet. They are ranked as the 11th smartest dog breed in the world.

November: Golden Retriever

Being a November kid, you are hard outside but incredibly soft inside. You are expressive, loving, caring, and highly sensitive. Moreover, you are always ready to help people, once you receive a request to do anything, the next minute your sleeves are rolled up.

As you are an emotional and sensitive soul, a Golden retriever is a perfect match for you because he is always there to support you and won’t let you down. Whether you are jogging outside or watching a movie indoors, he will be your best companion. Their cross with Poodle; Groodle is among one of the most popular hybrid breeds.

December: Poodle


As a December-born kid, you are a spirited and organized person. Moreover, you are very selective and protective, and always humble towards others. You are a born teacher and always love to share your knowledge with others.

A poodle is a highly intelligent and organized dog. Poodles are easy to train and they can master everything, whether it’s a dog sport or an interesting trick. And guess what? They are among the hypoallergenic dog breeds.

Final Words:

So, these were the ideal dog breeds for you based on your birth months. The purpose of this article was to help you in selecting your next dog but it doesn’t mean that you can’t go for any other breed. In fact, we feel that all the dog breeds are great and worth adopting, so, alternatively, you can choose some other dog breeds too that suit your living style and daily routines. BTW, how many of you have the exact dog breeds according to your birth months, as featured in this article?

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