mini groodle dog breed

All About Mini Groodle – (Breed Guide for 2024)

Mini Groodle (Also known as Mini Goldendoodle) is a mixture of a Miniature Poodle and a Golden Retriever. It is a small-sized dog with a bigger personality than its size.

Being the product of two adorable and loving breeds, the Mini Groodle showers more love to you in the form of cuddles and kisses.

If you have planned to get a Mini Groodle puppy and looking for a quick guide to learn more about the breed, you are in the right place. In this article, you’ll find everything you need to know about this small Doodle breed including health, temperament, pros and cons, grooming needs, and exercise needs, etc.

So, let’s find out more about Mini Groodle below.

What is a Mini Groodle dog?

As we have already mentioned, it is a Miniature Poodle/Golden Retriever mix and is the most popular of all the Groodle sizes. This compact dog can adapt to almost all types of lifestyles and homes and does not have any special requirements other than unconditional love and attention from its humans.

Other popular types of Groodle are Standard Groodle and Tiny Groodle while there are various generations of Groodles you can choose from. Groodle was developed by Monica Dickens in 1969. She intentionally crossed a Standard Poodle and a Golden Retriever to develop a hypoallergenic guide dog for visually impaired individuals.

Fun Fact: Goldendoodle is the other name of Groodle.

How big is a full-grown Mini Groodle?

A Miniature Groodle may weigh between 15 to 30 pounds, it’s unpredictable though. And, when it comes to height, they may grow up to 45 cm. As Mini Groodle is a designer dog, different puppies may have different sizes and weights when they are grown fully, even if they are from the same litter. So, we can say that a mixed dog’s litter is usually full of surprises.

It may take a Mini Groodle 12 to 24 months to become a completely adult dog physically, mentally, and sexually.

Common Groodle Generations

Well, like every other Doodle breed, the Groodles also have several generations. Keep reading to know more about the Groodle generations. Remember one thing, the mixed dogs are unpredictable, so there may be some differences in the facts and figures.

First-generation Groodle: (F1)

An F1 or first-generation Groodle is the direct cross between a Mini Poodle and a Golden Retriever which means it is 50% Miniature Poodle and 50% Golden Retriever. The F1 Mini Groodle may or may not have a low-shedding coat, depending on the tendency of the parent breed. It is an ideal breed for people with mild allergies but not for those who have severe allergies to dog dander and hair.

First-generation Backcross Groodle: (F1b)

An F1b or the first-generation backcross Groodle is a cross between an F1 Mini Groodle and one of the parent breeds; Mini Poodle or Golden Retriever (mostly the Mini Poodle). Crossing it with the Mini Poodle will result in a slightly more low-shedding coat than an F1 because the ratio of Poodle will be 75%. It could be an ideal dog for those with mild to severe allergies.

Second-generation Groodle: (F2)

The cross between two first-generation (F1) Groodles is known as an F2 or the second-generation cross. It may have a straight, wavy, or curly coat with a low to high chance of shedding.

Like an F1 Groodle, the ratio of the parent breeds in F2 is 50-50 but the parents are not the Poodle and Golden Retriever.

Second-generation backcross Groodle: (F2b)

An F2b Groodle or the second-generation backcross is a mixture of F1 and Groodles. The tendency of low-shedding coat in F2b Groodle is 75%, still, we’d say it is unpredictable. The best practice is to get a puppy from a reputable and responsible breeder to avoid the possibility of any genetic and temperament issues.

What is the average lifespan of a Mini Groodle dog?

The Golden Retriever and Mini Poodle have higher lifespans as compared to many dog breeds. And their product; the Mini Groodle is even healthier than both breeds with a lifespan of 10-15 years if its parents were checked for genetic issues. If a dog is living an ideal life with fewer health-related issues, the lifespan may go up to 18 years.

Temperament and behaviour:

In terms of temperament, a Mini Groodle is an ideal breed because it is a mixture of two loving and friendly breeds and inherits their loving personalities. They do well with everyone including their families, kids, elders, strangers, and other pets. If you want your Mini Groodle to not develop behaviour-related issues, do the following.

– Their exercise needs are high so give them enough time daily or they may become aggressive and destructive.

– Train and socialize them from an early age. Bonus: They are easier to train than many other breeds.

– Along with physical exercises, do some mental stimulation and enrichment activities too.

– Most importantly, get a puppy from a responsible and well-reputed Groodle breeder instead of getting one from a puppy factory or puppy mill.

Mini Groodle Pros and Cons:

Given below are the positive and negative traits aka the pros and cons of owning a Mini Groodle.


– They are more likely to have a low-shedding coat.

– Available in lots of colours including black, cream, parti, and many others.

– Exceptional temperament.

– Loves snuggling and cuddling.

– Prefers to stay quiet.

– Excellent with children

– Loves swimming and running


– High exercise and activity needs.

– Prone to separation anxiety.

– Expensive as compared to purebred dogs

What are the common health issues in a Mini Groodle?

A Mini Groodle dog is prone to all common health-related issues and viral infections that any other dog can get, so keeping them up-to-date on their vaccinations is highly recommended to avoid these issues. Additionally, they may also inherit several genetic issues from their parent breeds if the breeder does not breed his dogs using the best possible techniques. Also, the breeder should not breed those dogs who are not healthy and have genetic issues.

Apart from this, they may inherit bloat, ear infections, slipping kneecaps (Patellar luxation), ear infections, allergies, and von Willebrands.

How often should you groom your Mini Groodle dog?

A low-shedding coat needs more grooming as compared to shedding coats. Their coat should be brushed once or twice a week while a visit to the professional groomer may be required every 4-6 weeks. If you start grooming, brushing, and bathing your puppies from an early age, they will develop a habit of being groomed, bathed, and brushed and will not be giving you a tough time.

What is the average price of a Mini Groodle?

It depends on the colour, generation, gender, location, breed line, and reputation of the breeder. Different breeders may ask for different prices. On average, a puppy may cost you around AUD 4000-5000. You should also keep their average maintenance cost in mind which may be around AUD 1000 a year and includes vet visits, food, pet supplies, accessories, and grooming, etc.

Mini Groodle FAQs:

Are male or female Mini Groodles better?

Generally, male dogs are bold, aggressive, and goofier than female dogs. While the females are aggressive, emotional, and sometimes shy. But you should expect different moods and traits in both genders and it all depends on how you raise your puppy.

Do Mini Groodles like to cuddle?

Yes, they are extremely cuddly. A well-socialized and trained Groodle would always be ready to give you an affectionate cuddle, especially when you come back home after a long time.

Does Mini Groodles bark a lot?

No, they are moderate barkers, in fact, they’d bark occasionally. That is why the Mini Groodle is not an ideal watchdog.

Are Mini Groodles easy to potty-train?

Yes, they are easy to potty train but you need to be consistent and patient while training them. It may take up to 6 months to train them.

Are Mini Groodles high-maintenance dogs?

Yes, you not only need to brush them at least once a week but a visit to a professional groomer may also be needed every 6 weeks.

Wrapping it up:

So, it was everything you need to know about the Mini Groodle dog. Overall, it is a wonderful dog breed and we’d highly suggest you get one if you are getting a dog for the first time. Along with that, make sure you don’t get a puppy from a puppy factory but from a reputable breeder.

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