All the best things come in small sizes, don’t you believe us? Just look at the Pomeranian Dog.
With its cute round eyes, tiny tip-toeing legs and piercing sharp bark, the Pomeranian has earned its reputation as the perfect house pup.
The Pomeranian Dog fondly called the pom-pom gets its name from the region of Pomerania, now part of Germany and Poland.
Today, our guest is the mighty Pomeranian dog which is also known as the Zwergspitz.
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Pomeranian Quick Facts
Name: Pomeranian
Other names: Zwergspitz, Dwarf-Spitz, Deutscher Spitz
Nicknames: Pom-Dog, Tumbleweed, Pom, Pom-Pom, Zwers, Loulou
Origin: Pomerania (The historical region that is now split between Germany and Poland
Height: 7 inches to 12 inches
Weight: 3 to 7 pounds
Lifespan: 12 to 17 years
Pros: Good with children, a very big personality.
Cons: Barks a lot, prone to overheating, not suitable if you already have large-sized pets.
Temperament: Playful and nice
Close Breeds: Samoyed and Alaskan Malamute
Popular Crosses: Pomsky (Pomeranian / Siberian Husky cross)
Litter size: 1 to 5 puppies
Read: How to take care of Dogs
Initially, large working dogs reaching up to 30 pounds from the Arctic regions the Pomeranians morphed into a smaller, toy-sized dog. They gained massive popularity when Queen Victoria adopted a red Pom Pom in the late 1800s. In 1891, the first-ever Pomeranian breed club was set up in England while AKC recognized it in 1900. Currently, it is among the Top 25 dog breeds in the US.
Sometimes referred to as small lions, the Pomeranians are small and petite creatures with very furry bodies. Their heads are pointed and fox-like in appearance while their ears are narrow and pricked. Unlike most dogs, Poms Poms are bred in a multitude of colors, from dusty brown to an opulent shade of blue. Their brilliantly textured double coats are made up of a soft and fluffy undercoat followed by a rough-textured overcoat. These loveable prancing pups weigh between 3 and 7lb and grow up to 6 to 7 inches in height.
The Pomeranians are anything but boring, in fact, you might find them too much of everything. They have huge personalities packed into tiny bodies. They are so much full of love and perkiness that they effortlessly radiate everywhere they go. But don’t be fooled by their loveliness, they are very stubborn pups that enjoy being independent and bossing everyone around, even their human owners. That is why we suggest you take extra care in training your Pom Poms so that you can positively channel their intelligence and peacefully coexist with each other.
Living with the Pomeranians

Dogs are a man’s best friend and the Pomeranian is no exception to this rule. They make wonderful companions and are not difficult to live with. Because they are so conveniently small you don’t need a large house to keep a Pom Pom, you can easily keep them in an apartment or condo.
They do, however, need grooming and attention to keep their coats soft and trimmed to maintain their cuteness. They also require occasional exercise and a whole lot of love!
A surprising fact about these pint-sized trouble makers is that they actually make excellent guard dogs. Don’t be fooled by their size, if they see a stranger lurking around, their high-pitched barks are bound to raise alarms and grab your attention.
When we say they make excellent companions we don’t just mean for you, Poms Poms are known to get along with their fellow pets owing to their extroverted and fun-loving personalities.
Wrapping it Up:
While the Pomeranians make great pets you should only adopt them if you can take extra special care of them. Due to their small size, Pom Poms are extremely delicate and fragile dogs that can easily be injured especially where there are children. Toddlers, in particular, are unreliable and can easily injure or even kill a frail Pom while trying to lift it up or dropping it awkwardly. Which is why we advise families with small children to avoid adopting Poms.
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2 thoughts on “Pomeranian Dog Breed Info – The Pom Pom Dog”
I have a Pomeranian that was surrendered to a local animal rescue years ago because the people who bought him wanted a Pom Pom but as he aged he grew larger. I was told that he was a German golden spritz Pomeranian and perhaps his genetic origins popped up in him. Oddly because I was a rescue volunteer, ultimately I ended up with him permanently. My granddaughter loves him. His temperament is exquisite however now at 16 he wears a diaper in the house.
Wow, Yvette! You have just done an excellent job that every dog lover should do without having a second thought.